THE REDEEMER MAGAZINE - The Magazine for Thinking Christians.
EDITION 3: VOLUME 41 - Tithing Editorial - Digital Version
No. Modern Day Tithing is Not a Commandment From God.

Otis Media Publications Syndication Group Inc.© 2014

Dr. Otis T. Williams Sr Th.D.
All articles in this magazine are written in whole or part by Dr. Otis T. Williams Sr. Th.D.....© 2014 These articles are the literary properties of Otis Media Publications Syndication Inc. ©
No. Modern Day Tithing is Not a Commandment From God
Editorial - Digital Version
Dr. Otis T. Williams Sr.-EDITOR
There you have it. The issue of Tithing could not have been explained any better than what is in THE REDEEMER MAGAZINE Edition 3 - Volume 41. The point there is not hard to get. It is very obvious that modern day Tithing is not a commandment from God. The question that is asked is, “if Tithing is not a commandment from God then why do the pulpits mandate Tithing instead of educating the congregation on this issue?” All too often the Church is ridden down with tradition instead of education. Most pastors preach Tithing out of tradition and not from the message that is conveyed from scripture.
I am one that believe highly in educating Christians. From my studies and collaboration with others that has done extensive biblical research on Tithing; it is very appropriate that Tithing should only be mentioned from a historical perspective. Until the church start an all out effort to educate Christians; tradition will continue to snuff out the word of God and make it of no affect.
When a church makes Tithing a priority on its list of evangelistic tools something is wrong. Tithing should have no place on a church's agenda. However; free-will giving makes for a better program. Tithing places limits (10%) on giving.
To be frighten into giving by the curse of Malachi is utter non-sense. Any pastor or preacher that uses the scriptures to induce fear into Christians are holding the congregation hostage. I am not slamming the church, only speaking the truth in love. But the truth of who we are in Christ and what we have in Him is incredible!
Those who teach that there is a curse for not Tithing are contradicting the most basic truths of the New Covenant. However, if you put yourself back under the Law you will put yourself under the curse. For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. (Gal. 3:10)
We are operating from a completely different perspective. God has already given us everything in our union with Christ. We don't do things to earn blessings. Neither is there a curse upon us if we fall short. God is looking for mature people who will abide in Christ and allow him to live through them. God wants us to walk by faith and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, not Tithe. God is not waiting to rebuke the devourer for those who Tithe; he has already thrashed him! Any man in Christ has the benefit of that total victory without Tithing. Putting people's attention on Tithing as the source of their protection from the devil is a deception. It keeps them in a weak, Old Covenant mindset. It distracts them from their responsibility to build that better relationship in Jesus' name. The New Covenant is a blood covenant not a Tithe covenant. Faith is the connection, but it is faith in the shed blood of Jesus, not faith in Tithing. Making Tithing a requirement to maintain the covenant is just as wrong as making it a requirement to enter the covenant.
Wake up church and begin to study. Stop relying on others to tell you what is right and what is wrong. It is your responsibility to learn and understand. There is so much freedom in finding out for yourself. If a person who teaches Tithing is wrong; what else could they be wrong about? When a Pastor teaches or preaches Tithing they are sincerely wrong or sincerely ignorant. No Pastor today has any reason to be neither because there is too much information and definite answers surrounding the subject. The role of Tithing puts the church in a club membership mode with the Tithes being membership dues. Let us become free-will givers as the New Covenant is meant to be. Let's start to put the old ways of Moses to rest and move on as Jesus has prepared the way for us. If my giving is from fright, or fear, or guilt, or pressure, then my giving is in vain. God loves a cheerful giver.
All articles in this magazine are written in whole or part by Dr. Otis T. Williams Sr. Th.D.....© 2014 These articles are the literary properties of Otis Media Publications Syndication Inc. ©
No. Modern Day Tithing is Not a Commandment From God
Digital Edition- End of Article
Otis Media Publications Syndication Group Inc.© 2014