THE REDEEMER MAGAZINE- The Magazine for Thinking Christians.
EDITION 3 : VOLUME 37 - Where is the True Church?
Foreword: This Article gives insight as to where and who belongs to the True Churh. As one looks at all the different denominations that thrive today. The question can easily be asked; Where is the True Church? This question cannot be avoided. To help you find the answer to this question simply read this article and think about what is read. The answer may shock you. Are you a part of the True Church?

Otis Media Publications Syndication Group Inc.© 2014

THE REDEEMER© MAGAZINE IN PRINT..............Featuring "Where is the True Church" Digital Version.
All articles in this magazine are written in whole or part by Otis T. Williams Sr. Th.D.....© 2014 These articles are the literary properties of Otis Media Publications Syndication Inc.©
Where is the True Church? - Digital Version
Colossians 1:18And he is the head of the body, the church.............
Ephesians 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit,..................
Most denominations consider their organization as being the True Church. Have you ever wonder why there are denominations? If the Bible tells me there is but one Church; why do Christians subscribe to denominations? I can’t help but wonder if we are true to ourselves. It seems as if we ignore scripture just for the sake of tradition. Not only are we reared in tradition most Christians perpetuate traditions. If we continue tradition there is no longer one body. This action will disavow all scripture that has been written for the edification of the One Church where Jesus is the head. Therefore Christians as a whole do not believe in the infallibility of the scriptures. Since there is apparently more than one church in our midst; which Church is the True Church?
To find the True Church is actually an easy Job. The True Church is very recognizable because it is the One Church where Christ is the Head. Colossians 1:18:And he is the head of the body, the church. However, today we find that many churches while subscribing to many different Christian denominations, have varying heads. Some are called presidents, pope, pastor, bishop, apostle and others. Through the years, these denominations of religion will have many heads. Each of these denominations are govern by their own ideas and principles. These ideas and principles negates Christ as being the head thereby rendering them not part of the True Church. Spiritually speaking, the church is the body of Christ. In a body there is unity and harmony. Different denominations do not promote harmony. There is no unity in different denominations.
I would like to use The Roman Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Church as good examples of two different denominations with two different heads. The Roman Catholic Church has the Pope. It has been documented that under each new Pope there is a distinct difference in the interpreting of the canons. In the Southern Baptist Church each head that comes along declares to run things differently by their own interpretation of the scriptures. 2 Peter 1:Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. Do you see the hypocrisy here. Do you see how Jesus has been removed from being the Head of the Church. The point I am trying to make is that with different heads there will always be different policies and beliefs. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church. He is its only head. Heb. 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever." I could cite more examples by referring to other religious denominations, but I have made my point. When human heads are led to govern our religious paradigm, they will change. We cannot depend on constant change. The need is for consistency and faithfulness. The spirit in whom we can put our full faith and confidence can only be Jesus Christ. If you asked the average church goer who the head of their church is; they will definitely say "my Pastor".
Eph. 1:22-23 "And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all." The symbolism of Christ being the head of one body is very plainly spoken in Ephesians 4:4 There is one body,...................
Knowingly the body is the Church, that makes Christ the head of only one church. Christ cannot be the head of multiple bodies. If there is only one body, and that body is the Church, it is only reasonably that Christ is the head of His own body, not someone else's. If Christ is not your only head, then you cannot claim to be a part of Christ's body, which is the True Church. Are you involved with the denominational protocol or does Christ reign as Head supreme over the body you claim as yours?
As Christ being the head, He then dictates the rules of the body. We then are followers of Him, and not the teachings of men. When we follow some head other than Christ, we become members of a different body. To follow others than Christ is to not be part of the True Church.
Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
If you want to be accursed: teach or practice anything not authorized by our head, Jesus Christ. Galatians 1:8-9 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Paul is giving us a warning about having a head other than Christ. Even if an Angel could or would appear before any one of us and preach to us something that cannot be found in the scriptures, then that Angel is to be accursed and not believed. Paul even says that if he were to preach anything different he would be accursed. Lastly, he says if any "man" teaches anything not found within the scriptures they are to be accursed. The point being made by Paul is that Christ is the ultimate authority over the True Church. No one has the power or authority to speak contrary to the authority of Christ. He is the only head and authority.
THE REDEEMER MAGAZINE - The Magazine for Thinking Christians.

Very often we find churches preaching and teaching things that are not found in scripture but claiming to be from Christ. This cannot be the True Church but another body without the head of Jesus. When we follow the guidance of spiritual leaders of the church, working under the guidance of Christ's words, then we can have a growing and healthy body before Christ.
If you are teaching or being preached to about participating in the following practices(as being Christ driven); you and your organization according to the scriptures are accursed and are not part of the True Church.
1.) Tithing - Christ never preached or taught that Christians should Tithe.
2.) Prosperity Gospel - Planting a financial seed is not scriptural no matter how some Pastors twist the scriptures. Stop letting these wolves in sheep clothing fleece you. Christ did not teach a prosperity gospel.
3.) Blocking God - Gotta Go to the Church building to hear a word. Gotta go to the Church building to pray. Prayer knows no distance. God hears prayer from anywhere. God talks to us no matter where we may be. You don’t have to go anywhere particular to find God because he is every where. Jesus died that we might access the throne of God through Jesus from wherever we may be. True Church followers of Christ invite people to come to Christ not to come to their church building. True worshipers Worship in Spirit and Truth.
4.) Affirming the participation in the rituals and ceremonies of the Old Covenant(the Old Law). In Jesus being the sacrifice for sin God gave us a new covenant; one with better promises. The True Church is free from the OLD. Are you a member of the One True Church? .....
Dr. Otis T. Williams Sr. Th. D.
Where is the True Church? - Digital Version
End of Article
All articles in this magazine are written in whole or part by Otis T. Williams Sr. Th.D.....© 2014 These articles are the literary properties of Otis Media Publications Syndication Inc.©
Otis Media Publications Syndication Group Inc.© 2014